Pinball Wizard 3/22/22

 My heads all over the place today. My girls, financial struggles, my home to do list, work stuff, co-parenting issues, my 9 yr old pal Bella battling cancer, recovery, ministry work, my throbbing bleeding thumb, my siblings, my family and their struggles, the upcoming Emmaus walk, my family that's locked up, a job offer I'm prayerfully considering, kidsitting Julian, this headache, this blog. 

My focus is a pinball, just bouncing around the air up there, and then I hear Him say, "I will keep in perfect peace the one who is dependent on me."(Isaiah 26:3) 

Gut check.

I am too dependent on me. On self. Sure, I'm a survivor. I'm capable. I'm reliable. I'm I'm I'm. Matthew 6:33 doesn't say to seek Jessica's plan and all these things will be added. No wonder I'm overwhelmed.  Time to "put my thing down flip it and Let God reverse it."  Move Jess, Git Out the Way. Git Out the Way. Git Out the Way. 
When My whole focus is solely on Him, fixed on the things above. Then He will deliver me. Then He will protect me because He knows my name. When I call out to Him He will answer me in my distress, deliver and honor me. (Colossians 3:1/Psalm119:14-15)

Time to refocus. Time to Hand back in the pen. He is The Author and Finisher of my Faith. 

#getfocused #blogger4Jesus #wedorecover #womenevolve


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