Walk it Out and Don’t forget to Smile
This past Friday the electric bill arrived. Hesitant to see the “damage” due, I barely opened it, tearing open only the corner nearest amount Due, bravely peeking in. If you remember right, I just closed my side business in obedience to the Lord. Just the Day before, Master checked me. When speaking of the closure of HSC, I had frequently said, “I don’t like it, but I’m doing it.” He checked me through the provision of His Word in James 1:2, “Consider it all Joy, dear brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials.” OUCH! I definitely wasn’t being joyful in my obedience. And why wouldn’t I be joyful to do something I knew God said to do?!!! Like stupid. It’s God!!!! So ya know everything is gonna be all right, even when it’s rough He’s there, and the outcome is better than good, it’s God!!! With a repentant heart, I laid down this grievance with obedience and thanked Him for this refining moment. It wasn’t enough to just do it, but rather to...